Hinchinbrook Interclub

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

We are excited to be attending the Hinchinbrook Interclub. Below is some information about the day.

Clubs Attending: Condobolin/Forbes, Goulburn, Sefton, Ulladulla and Hinchinbrook

Times: An official schedule is yet to be drafted based on entries. They anticipate the day running from 9:30am - 4:30pm with a scheduled lunch break.

Competitor Entry Cost: $8 - this will be invoiced when you register on our website and must be paid within 2 weeks of registration. 

Registration Deadline: Registrations must be done by 27 May. No late entries will be accepted. 

Food: Hinchinbrook will offer a canteen and coffee van. 

If you have any questions about the interclub please speak to your teachers or a committee member.